One of my favorite artists is this woman from Iceland:

- Keep in mind that these pages survive as a web-museum. The content
is ancient, and most of the links are long dead. Most of all this site
is a time machine into what fan-pages used to look like in the mid/late
- My Björk Net-World map contains links
to the Björk related WWW-pages I've found around the 'net. I havent
had the time to properly update the links lately so some of them may be
dead. Hopefully I'll get around to fix this soon.
- I've made a list of FTP-sites as well.
- I've OCR'ed an interview from the July '95
edition of Pulse! magazine.
- Another interview is fetched from the
famous Sugarcubes "Live Zabor" video. I believe the video is out of print by
- I've scanned in a few pictures from various
sources too. I've made a text version of
this page.
- Check out The Music
Zone's tour pages for info on upcoming tours. They seem to be updated
on a regular basis.
- The Ultimate Band List is worth a look.
They've got Björk info there too.
- Ever wondered how Björk's tattoo really looks like? Check this page out.
- Where to snailmail (i.e. ordinary mail)
to get fanclub, release and merchandising info can be found at this link.
- Björk on Usenet (news):
- The main newsgroup is
- An alternative group may be alt.icelandic.waif.bjork.bjork.bjork
which originally was a bogus group (i.e. made just for fun), but is now
to some extent used for serious discussion.
- The Blue-Eyed-Pop mailinglist can be read at if you're lucky
enough to have it available. Its a one-way news gateway. If you send mail
to the list it'll show up there. If you post to the newsgroup it wont get
mailed to the list though.
Btw. I'm also making the homepages for
The 3rd and the
Comments on these pages are welcome. Or send email to:
thomasr at nvg dot org
Any ideas, suggestions or whatever will be
last modified: 2010.10.05 11:48:38 by
Thomas Rinnan